Lissa & Nate - Our Fairytale

Lissa & Nate ~ Our Fairytale
marriage brings greater possibilities for happiness than does any other relationship. ~Russell M. Nelson

Saturday, March 3, 2012

About Spaghetti Juice

Tonight Nate and Bud had chili cheese dogs for dinner. Heck, the baby even got in on that action. My smell buds went wild and I found myself leaning over the stove just sniffing it in.

Feeling very deprived I was tempted to make myself some fruit juice and ignore my 4th serving of vegetables. I'm glad I share my thoughts with my husband because he encouraged me to go for the vegetables.

Looking in the fridge, deciding what I thought looked good I pulled out the swiss chard and the basil. When I pulled out the basil I thought of spaghetti sauce and a light bulb went on. If I could gather veggies that I might put in a spaghetti sauce maybe I'll end up with something good.

And I did. I SOOO did. I really needed something good after my small temptation to cheat when Nate went out with Bud earlier this evening... because... hey, no one would know. But I didn't cheat. And I didn't eat a chili cheese dog. So I needed something that tasted better than "ok... not gross, but ok."

So, with no further ado i give you "Spaghetti Juice"

3 large leaves of Swiss Chard
1 bunch of basil
1/2 bunch of parsley
2 carrots
2 green apples
2 handfuls of plum tomatoes

I want to play around with the carrot amount. I only had 2 carrots left sooo.... but really it does taste great as is.

Besides the taste I also like that this juice is thinner than most I've made. I don't mind the thickness, but it's a nice change of pace.

I think going forward I have learned to make my juices according to what might taste good in a meal. Maybe that was obvious to some, but I'm a little slow sometimes.

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